Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad Mission

Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing male, female and minority interest in science, creating a technologically-literate workforce and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers. These goals are achieved by participating in Science Olympiad tournaments and non-competitive events, incorporating Science Olympiad into classroom curriculum and attending teacher training institutes.

Science Olympiad Goals

  • To create a passion for learning science by supporting elementary and secondary Science Olympiad tournaments at building, district, county, state and national levels with an emphasis on teamwork and a commitment to excellence.

  • To improve the quality of K-12 science education throughout the nation by changing the way science is perceived and the way it is taught (with an emphasis on problem solving and hands-on, minds-on constructivist learning practices). This goal is accomplished through in-depth core curriculum training workshops and the distribution of curriculum materials.

  • To celebrate and recognize the outstanding achievement of both students and teachers in the areas of science and technology by awarding thousand of certificates, medals, trophies and scholarships.

  • To promote partnerships among community, businesses, industry, government and education.

Science Olympiad Tournament Goals

  • To bring science to life, to show how science works, to emphasize problem solving aspects of science and the understanding of science concepts.

  • To develop teamwork and cooperative learning strategies among students.

  • To make science education more exciting so more students will enroll in science courses and engage in other science activities like science reading, fairs, meetings and field trips.

  • To promote high levels of achievement and a commitment to excellence, to demonstrate that American students can perform at levels that surpasses expectations of even practicing scientists and engineers.

  • To attract more students particularly females and minorities to professional and technical careers in science, technology and science teaching.